Croydon In The 2010s - Differences between Version 61 and Version 5 of Mahala, 83 Church Street

Version 61 Version 5
== Line 0 == == Line 0 ==
Romanian restaurant on the corner of [[Locale Church Street|Church Street]] and Old Palace Road. It opened in August 2016.
Pub on the corner of [[Locale Church Street|Church Street]] and Old Palace Road.
== Line 2 == == Line 2 ==
Accessibility: A small step to get in, no more than an inch. Toilets not checked.
Possibly closed for good; it was closed with the lights off at 6pm on a Saturday evening in November 2012.
== Line 4 == == Line 4 ==
See also:
* [ Photo of the grilled carp with polenta
in April 2017]
* [https://www Photo of the cabbage rolls with polenta in December 2019]
* [ Croydon Advertiser article]

<div class="last_verified">Existence last checked in July 2012.</div>
== Line 9 ==
<div class="history">
The building was previously occupied by a pub called the Gun <small>[ photo]</small>.

See also:
* [ Philip Harfleet's memories] of boxing training in the gym at the rear of the pub during the late 1940s

The Gun closed some time in the latter half of 2012, and by early December 2012 signs had appeared in the windows <small>[ photo]</small> advertising the forthcoming opening of an American bar and grill called Big Mamma. This was open by mid-December 2012 <small>[ photo]</small>, but closed again after a [ serious fire] in late January 2014 which caused damage to the restaurant <small>[ photo]</small>.

As of late March 2014, a sign in the window <small>[ photo]</small> stated that it was closed until further notice, and as of June 2014 it was advertised to let <small>[ photo of sign]</small>. Still vacant as of November 2014. Still vacant as of April 2015. Still vacant as of December 2015. Still vacant as of mid-May 2016.

See also:
* [ Photo of breaded mushrooms at Big Mamma in May 2013]
* Photo of Big Mamma advertising flyer from December 2012/January 2013: [ front and back]
* Photo of Big Mamma menu flyer from February 2013: [ starters and mains], [ drinks and desserts]

As of August 2016, there were signs in the windows indicating that a Romanian restaurant called Mahala would be opening there soon. This was open by the end of the month <small>[ photo]</small>.

<div class="last_verified">Existence last checked in December 2019.</div>

== Line 32 == == Line 9 ==
@THUMB [[Abi's Barbers, 79 Church Street|]]
@THUMB [[Papa Alfie's Convenience Store, 81 Church Street|]]
@THIS_THUMB [[Mahala, 83 Church Street|]]
@THUMB [[Hello Gorgeous, 85-87 Church Street|]]
@THUMB [[Abi's Barbers, 79 Church Street|]]
@THUMB [[Croydon's Army Surplus Store (CLOSED), 81 Church Street|]]
@THIS_THUMB [[Gun, 83 Church Street|]]
@THUMB [[Beaumont Beds, 85-87 Church Street|]]
== Line 40 == == Line 17 ==
category='Dinner,Eat-In Food,Lunch,Restaurants,Romanian Food'
edit_type='Minor tidying'
edit_type='Normal edit'
== Line 43 == == Line 20 ==
hours_text='Mon-Thu: noon-11pm; Fri-Sat: noon-1am; Sun: noon-10pm (source: sign on door, Apr 2017)'
locale='Central Croydon,Church Street,Croydon'
locale='Church Street,Croydon'
== Line 51 == == Line 28 ==
opening_hours_text='Mon-Thu: noon-11pm; Fri-Sat: noon-1am; Sun: noon-10pm (source: sign on door, Apr 2017)'
== Line 58 == == Line 35 ==
phone='07480 557155'
== Line 37 == == Line 37 ==
summary='Pub on the corner of Church Street and Old Palace Road.' summary='Romanian restaurant on the corner of Church Street and Old Palace Road, previously an American bar/grill called Big Mamma, previously a pub called the Gun.'
summary='Pub on the corner of Church Street and Old Palace Road.' website=''

Pub on the corner of Church Street and Old Palace Road.

Possibly closed for good; it was closed with the lights off at 6pm on a Saturday evening in November 2012.

Existence last checked in July 2012.

Church Street ... (unprocessed THUMB macro) (unprocessed THUMB macro) (unprocessed THUMB macro) (unprocessed THUMB macro) (unprocessed THUMB macro) ...

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