Historical version 4 of Bargain Buys, 18-22 Centrale (view current version)

  • Unit 58, North End Mall, Centrale Shopping Centre, CR0 1TY

Music, DVD, and video games shop in Centrale, with a frontage on North End.

Existence last checked in May 2012.

North End ... Debenhams, 11-19 North End Metro Bank, Centrale HMV, Centrale 3 Store, 49 North End 4 Feet, 51 North End ...

OS X co-ord: 532262     OS Y co-ord: 165705     (Latitude: 51.374477 Longitude: -0.099514)
This is version 4 (as of 2012-06-02 16:01:26). View current version. List all versions.