Croydon In The 2010s - Differences between Version 48 and Version 47 of Shear And Shine (CLOSED), 17 St George's Walk
Version 48 | Version 47 |
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Business premises on St George's Walk, vacant as of October 2018.
It was previously a barbers and hairdressers called Shear & Shine, but this closed down in late 2016, with the company pivoting to become a supplier of black men's grooming products.
Another DIY shop/convenience store called St Georges News/Food/Hardware photo opened in October 2012, stocking things such as tools, gardening items, soft drinks, newspapers, magazines, greetings cards, cleaning products, cigarettes, painkillers, batteries, biscuits, tea, coffee, soya milk, savoury snacks, confectionery, and various types of lentils. However, this had closed again by March 2013.
As of March 2013, the shutters were down, a lockbox had been installed outside, and peering through a hole in said shutters revealed that the stock had been removed from the interior photo.
Shear & Shine opened in June 2014, initially with no sign on the frontage photo, though by August it had acquired one photo. This closed down in late 2016, with the company pivoting to become a supplier of black men's grooming products.
See also:
- DIY Week article on knife prosecution at DIY Den
- Photos of Shear & Shine flyer from June 2014: 1, 2
List all versions