1 km
3000 ft

Historical version 38 of 296 High Street (view current version)

  • 296 High Street, CR0 1NG

Ghanaian and Caribbean restaurant on the High Street. It moved here from 35 Whitehorse Lane around the end of 2017/start of 2018.

It also does takeaway and delivery, with online ordering via Just Eat.

Accessibility: A step to get in. Toilets are in the basement, down a steep flight of stairs with handrails on both sides.

See also:

Existence last checked in May 2019.

High Street ... KK's Texan Grill House, 300 High Street Jamee Food And Wine, 298 High Street Original Adwoa's Kitchen, 296 High Street High Street Radio And Photographic, 294 High Street Express Cars, 292 High Street ...

OS X co-ord: 532403     OS Y co-ord: 164944     (Latitude: 51.367604 Longitude: -0.097772)
This is version 38 (as of 2019-05-13 14:24:46). View current version. List all versions.