Historical version 36 of Central Cafe And Restaurant, 47 St George's Walk (view current version)
- 47 St George's Walk, CR0 1YL
English and Turkish cafe on St George's Walk. It opened in January 2019.
See also:
- Photos of the menu as of January 2019: page 1, page 2
- Photo of the Turkish breakfast in January 2019
We think there may have been a change of management some time between July 2012 and October 2013. Certainly the choices on the menu changed, and also the menu started spelling the name as "Café Nosh" rather than "Caffe Nosh". In any case, this version of it closed in mid-2014.
See also:
- Photo of full English breakfast menu at Caffe Nosh as of July 2012
- Photos of Caffe Nosh menu flyer as of July 2012: page 1, page 2
- Photo of a fried breakfast in October 2013
- Photos of Café Nosh menu in October 2013: 1, 2
- Photo of Café Nosh A-board in June 2014
It was vacant as of August 2014, and still vacant as of July 2015, September 2015, May 2016, March 2017, October 2017, June 2018, and August 2018.
As of December 2015 there was a notice outside dated 15 November photo stating that an application had been made for live music, recorded music, supply of alcohol, and late night refreshment on the premises. However nothing seemed to come of this.
As of October 2018 there was shopfitting work going on inside, culminating in an English and Turkish cafe called Central Café & Restaurant opening in January 2019.