Historical version 27 of Soulful Cellar, 90b High Street (view current version)

Basement bar and nightclub on the High Street.

Accessibility: A staircase to get in; no sign of a lift.

Existence last checked in December 2019.

High Street ... Photo Smile, 94 High Street Blue Sea Fish And Chips Bar, 92 High Street Soulful Cellar, 90b High Street Time Dry Cleaners, 90 High Street Ponte Nuovo, 80-88 High Street ...

OS X co-ord: 532340     OS Y co-ord: 165207     (Latitude: 51.369983 Longitude: -0.098579)
This is version 27 (as of 2020-01-21 14:27:27). View current version. List all versions.